
The Bald Eagle: Haunts and Habits of a Wilderness Monarch

Price: $16.95
ISBN 13: 0874744512

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Product Description

The Bald Eagle is a comprehensive description of the morphology, behavior, flight patterns, hunting, migration, nesting, development, and growth of bald eagles.

Author Information

Jon M. Gerrard and Gary R. Bortolotti
JON M. GERRARD, member of Parliament and of the Privy Council of Canada, is Secretary of State for Science, Research, and Development and Western Economic Diversification. GARY R. BORTOLOTTI is professor of biology at the University of Saskatchewan.

Review Quotes

A gold mine of information on the bald eagle. It is well written and discusses many aspects of the bald eagle's life lacking or barely mentioned in other works.
—Audubon Naturalist Review
The facts and historical perspective provided throughout the book will constantly entertain and amuse the reader. . . . The Bald Eagle completely recaptured my interest, as I am sure it will anyone who has an interest in learning more about our national symbol. If you have a sincere desire to learn about bald eagles, skip the coffee-table picture books—this is the one for you.
A definitive work on the ecology of the bald eagle. . . . The Bald Eagle begins with a history of the species as we know it in North America, through periods of near extinction at the first half of the century from over-hunting and habitat destruction, its recovery as environmentalists began to protect it, its brush with extinction again in the 1950s with DDT, and its recovery once again to the present.
—Prince Edward Island Evening Patriot
A delightful, informative, and well-written book.
—Wilson Bulletin

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